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Hey everyone, this is the first of hopefully many posts I'll make on here about programming. If you want more of these or want me to cover a specific topic, let me know!

Today's topic is allocators: what they are, how they're made, and why they're actually not that scary. But before we move on, what is an allocator? An allocator is the way to get some bytes of memory from the operating system that you can use and modify in your program in some meaningful (or less than meaningful) way. Doing so allows you to do many things such as string concatenation, dynamic arrays, object pools, temporary storage, and more!

But what do those things actually mean? While I won't be covering everything I listed, a few of those subjects actually show off why memory allocation is important, easy, and not a horrifying dark art that only wise programming wizards can understand. I'll first be talking about string concatenation, and by proxy, string interpolation.

Here's an example program that generates greeting messages for people in a list and prints each message. Note: this is done in Python (in an old-school way) to illustrate how memory allocation is done behind the scenes in garbage collected languages.

names = [
    "Other Doug",
    "Bob, but worse",
    "Brother of Doug"

messages = [
  "Hello, _!",
  "How's it going, _?",
  "Howdy, _.",

# We already know '_' is in our messages, so we're not checking for errors.
for name in names:
    message = get_random_message()

    prefix = None
    suffix = None
    for index, character in enumerate(message):
        if character == '_':
            prefix = message[:index]
            suffix = message[index + 1:]

    greeting = prefix + name + suffix

If you're not familiar with Python, the message[:index] syntax just means: "Get me every character from index 0 to index index", and the message[index + 1:] syntax just means: "Get me every character from index index + 1 to the end of message".

The allocation we'll be talking about is when we create the greeting variable. It simply combines our prefix, name, and suffix into one string we can use whichever way we'd like. To do this, our program must first allocate some bytes of memory and fill those bytes with the values of those strings. While the whole allocate-and-forget practice is useful for small/short running programs or things we may not care about, writing larger programs (i.e. games) in this way leads to performance issues and workarounds that are the same, if not more, difficult and annoying than doing things ourselves. Custom allocators actually come close to fixing this entire problem. But before we see allocators, let's see what's actually happening in the above example. Here's the same program but written in C.

static char *names[] = {
    "Other Doug",
    "Bob, but worse",
    "Brother of Doug",

static char *messages[] = {
    "Hello, _!",
    "How's it going, _?",
    "Howdy, _.",

main(int argc, char* argv[])
    char *name = 0;

    // Iterate through 'names'.
    for (int i = 0; (name = names[i]) != NULL; i++) {
        int prefix = 0;
        int suffix = 0;
        int index  = 0;

        // Get a random message and find where its '_' character is.
        char *message = get_random_message();
        for (char *copy = message; *copy; copy++, index++) {
            if (copy[0] == '_') {
                prefix = index;
                suffix = index + 1;

        int name_len   = strlen(name);
        char *greeting = malloc(
                            prefix * sizeof(char) +     // Allocate enough space for our prefix.
                            name_len +                  // Allocate enough space for our name.
                            suffix + 1 * sizeof(char)); // Allocate enough space for our suffix + null terminator.

        int pushed = 0;

        // Push the prefix of our message (everything before the '_').
        for (int i = 0; i < prefix; i++)
            greeting[pushed++] = message[i];

        // Push the user's name.
        for (int i = 0; i < name_len; i++)
            greeting[pushed++] = name[i];

        // Push the suffix of our message (everything after the '_').
        for (int i = 0; i < (suffix - prefix); i++)
            greeting[pushed++] = message[prefix + 1 + i];

        // Push the null terminator and print the greeting.
        greeting[pushed] = '\0';
        printf("%s\n", greeting);

        free(greeting); // Free the memory we allocated.

    return 0;

So what's happening, exactly? There's obviously many more lines and a call to malloc, but why should this sway you to use allocators and do things yourself? Well first, malloc is a somewhat slow, generalized procedure meant to handle every case for anybody programming in C. Using it for everything leads to buggy, memory leak-ridden code that's harder to maintain and isn't very fun to write.

Pair it with C-style strings and you have a rather shitty programming experience that you definitely wouldn't rate 5 stars on Yelp or any other restaurant review website. However, C is a language that allows us to do almost any (programming-related) thing we'd like, including making string concatenation and managing memory much nicer. This is done by "optimizing" or customizing for the cases we care about, similarly to how Python has optimized its semantics for that case in the first example.

Here's another C example that "optimizes" string concatenation using a custom allocator.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "allocators.h"
#include "utilities.h"

static char *names[] = {
    "Other Doug",
    "Bob, but worse",
    "Brother of Doug",

static char *messages[] = {
    "Hello, _!",
    "How's it going, _?",
    "Howdy, _.",

main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // Allocate more than enough memory for our program to run.
    Static_Allocator allocator = make_static_allocator(Mb(1)); 

    for_each(char *name, names, {
        char *message  = get_random_message();
        char *greeting = push_char(&allocator, 0);

        // Iterate through each character in 'message'.
        for_each(char chr, message, {
            // If the current character is an '_', push the entirety of
            // the user's name in its place.
            if (chr == '_') {
                push_string(&allocator, name);
            else {
                push_char(&allocator, chr);

        // Push the null terminator and print our greeting.
        push_char(&allocator, '\0');
        print("%s\n", greeting);

    return 0;

Nice, much shorter and easier to understand! Suddenly the manual work we did in the last example doesn't feel so manual. We "optimized" by making helper functions/macros like for_each, push_char, and push_string.

However, unlike the previous example, it's no longer obvious when memory is allocated. Is push_char doing it? How about push_string? It's actually neither, allocator is doing that for us when we make it! Notice that we didn't have to free each string we created. Instead we simply "released" our custom allocator at the end of main. The scary memory leaks everyone keeps talking about simply aren't possible if we design and use the language in this way.

Let's look inside Static_Allocator to see how and why this works.

typedef struct static_allocator {
    s64 length;
    s64 occupied;
    u8* memory;
} Static_Allocator;

make_static_allocator(s64 length)
    Static_Allocator new_allocator = {0};
    new_allocator.length = length;
    new_allocator.memory = malloc(length); // Ask the OS for some memory.

    assert(new_allocator.memory != NULL); // If this fails our program shouldn't run.
    return new_allocator;

u8 *
alloc(Static_Allocator *allocator, s64 size)
    // Align the size we wish to allocate.
    s64 aligned = (size + 7) & ~7;

    // Get the position in allocator->memory we're allocating from.
    s64 offset  = allocator->occupied + aligned;

    // If our allocator ran out of memory. Error handle accordingly.
    if offset > allocator->length return NULL;

    // Move our allocator forward and return a pointer to the new position.
    allocator->occupied += aligned;
    u8 *pointer = allocator->memory + (offset - aligned);
    return pointer;

release_allocator(Static_Allocator *allocator)
    allocator->length   = 0;
    allocator->occupied = 0;

This is all the code we need to create a simple allocator that solves the problems we had in the beginning.

Note that while ours is called Static_Allocator (because it allocates a block of memory that never resizes), this kind is commonly called an Arena: an allocator that frees its memory all at once, hence the lack of a custom free procedure. This kind of allocator is perfect for what we were trying to do: allocate a bunch of strings, use them, then free them. It, however, isn't the end-all-be-all for allocators. There's many different kinds we can use in a variety of different contexts: Push Allocators, Buddy Allocators, Pool Allocators, Free List Allocators, etc; the possibilities are literally endless.

But before you embark on your journey of custom allocators, doing C, being cool, and also becoming a low-level programming zealot that writes off any new language, idea, group of people, here's a few tips that'll make your new allocating life easier.

  • Each allocator should have the same interface; that is they should be used the same by the programmer. Sure they can have different ways of initialization, but the ways you alloc, release, and resize with them should be the same. It's very poor design to have a pool_alloc procedure that has completely different arguments than an arena_alloc one. If possible, utilize C's _Generic macros or (oh no) C++ Templates. Like most things in programming, however, this isn't a dead-set rule; only something to keep in mind when designing the API.

  • Static Allocators (ones that never resize their main memory block) should crash if initialization fails! This is because they're usually the only memory your program uses, and if it can't use that, it can't run. This might sound like a bad idea, or unnecessarily restrictive, but working with slight memory limitations is quite nice and can lead to nicer designs. Also, if your program can't allocate your allocator's memory block, there are much larger problems ahead.

  • Because custom allocators give you full control over the "allocation scheme" of your program, you can directly track and alert for double frees, leaks, etc. The __LINE__ and __FILE__ directives are your best friends in this scenario.

Hopefully this post taught you something or made some parts of lower-level programming less taboo or scary. Thanks for reading!


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